4 Bedroom House with Double Garage

Floor Size

House - 220m² Double Garage - 40m²

Project Duration

8 Weeks

Project Finishes

Smooth Plastered Walls - Aluminium Windows - Aluminium Stacking Door - Automated Double Garage Door

About This Project

This stunning 4 bedroom house built in the prestigious Palm Lakes Estate situated up the north coast of KZN truly showcases the diversity and capabilities of Elangeni Buildings. Constructed on top of a hillside with panoramic views of the surrounding hills, the house is a true flagship. Completed under the strict architectural guidelines of the Palm Lakes Estate this Elangeni House met and surpassed all expectations. Finished off in beautiful detail that highlights upmarket living with the bedrooms separated from the living area without compromising flow and elegance. This is truly a 1 in a million house and the pictures show just that.